Jeff's leg infection not going away

(Posted on behalf of Stephanie from Facebook -click here for FB post)

          For the last 2 months Jeff has had an infection in his lower leg. Early on it was diagnosed and treated as cellulitis, then a place just below his ankle opened up and drained and drained. At the beginning of May we had it cultured and it was determined that it was a Staph infection. Since then (strayed taking them May 16th) he has been on 2 different kinds of antibiotics, but still has a major infection going on. The open sore is about the size of a nickel and while it isn't necessarily getting worse it isn't getting any better. Anyone have any suggestions (natural or medical)? We are being seen at the best hospital in our area and I feel like we are getting good care, but this isn't resolving. Most days the pain isn't much (as long as the area isn't touched), but some days it hurts him without any real visible change. I do have a picture of the hole if you want to see it, but it is kind of gross so I won't post it here. Please feel free to share with medical people and or PM me or email us at

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