7th and 8th grade classroom expansion and flushing toilets for Mercy Christian Academy estimated cost is $18,000 by July of 2021.
We need to build 2 new classrooms and 20 new flushing toilets which will require another septic tank. Currently Mercy Christian Academy is made up 8 classrooms, 1 teachers office, 1 large pavilion and 15 pit latrines (non flushing toilets 🤮). This allows us to have Pre-K through 7th grade while using the pavilion as a classroom. Not super ideal, but it works and we are way ahead of where we thought we would be a couple of years ago. Praise God!
Adding 2 classrooms will free up the pavilion and allow us start the 2021 operating a full primary school by adding 8th grade. Adding an 8th grade classroom will allow us to accept more students into our school which means more children are getting an education and hearing and learning the Gospel on a regular basis. Currently our enrollment is 182 students.
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