Mercy Children's Home Update

These past few days have been really hard ones as we say our good-byes to loved ones. Please pray for us and all those affected during this trying time. Knowing without a doubt this move and mission is God's will for us is a comfort to us, but knowing we are leaving behind family and good friends is still very difficult. Tickets are bought, we leave DFW  11/29! We will be in Bungoma, Kenya, God willing, the afternoon of 12/1. 

The closing on our house we are selling in Garland, TX is set for 11/28, the day before we leave! We are signing over power of attorney to friends just in case the closing gets pushed back again. 

Once in Bungoma, we will be staying with About-Face Missions supported Bishop Kennedy Simiyu in a small village outside the city. Instead of paying for an extended stay at a hotel, we were able to fund the addition of two rooms at his home as well as new toilet and shower facilities. We plan to stay with him and his family for a couple months while we build Mercy Children's Home. Praise be to God that through sending us to Kenya, He is already blessing others. The additions to the Simiyu home will be a blessing to them long after we move out.


The Simiyu family home. The new rooms addition is on the left.

With the sale of our house and cashing out our retirement account, we are able to pay for our travel, items we need to bring with us (a couple computers, lots of shoes to bless many children, items to keep our kiddos busy on the long flights, etc), the land purchase, and a big start on the construction of the orphanage.

We currently have donors committed to regularly giving about $500 a month towards our estimated budget of $1500 a month to cover the basic needs for our family, small staff, and 50 orphans.

If you would like to support this effort financially, AFM just made it a lot more simple to give online. Simply text "aboutfacemissions" to 77977 and you will receive a text back with a link that takes you to an easy to fill out online giving form for either a 1 time gift or to sign up for recurring donations. For those who prefer to mail a check, make it out to AFM and write "Mercy Children's Home" on the memo line and mail to 4034 Wiltshire Dr. Garland, TX 75043.

Thank you to all of you that continue to pray for us. I can not tell you how much it means to Steph, myself, our family, and everyone else joining along with us in support of this mission, to have all you good folks praying for us. God bless you!