Experiencing Some of the Blessings of MCH
By Stephanie Bys
Each night, I lay in bed with a full heart. Outside of God, my amazing husband and our wonderful children I'm most thankful for where God has us right now. Truly with the ups and downs of Kenya, and there are definitely downs, I'm so blessed to be where I am.
(left to right) Brendan, Dan, and Karson hanging out.
Each night, I lay in bed hearing giggles in the 2 rooms that house kiddoes. Since we still don't have ceilings we can all hear each other quite well at all times. Sometimes the giggles are so great and loud you can't tell which room it is coming from...boys or girls. The boys are usually polluting (passing gas) as the kids say here in Kenya and the girls are just giggling over everything. I must admit, in America, when there were giggles after bedtime it was often met with a stern talking to because...shhhh, it is time for bed. But here in Kenya, I find that these giggles represent so much more than disobedience. The giggles represent togetherness, bonding, love, cohesiveness, joy and happiness. How can I even let the joyous noise from the other rooms irritate me? I don't, and for the most part after 10 minutes or so they settle down and go to sleep.
Each night, I lay in bed being amazed that we really are living our dream. About 6 years ago I told Jeff I wanted to have an orphanage and here we are in Kenya living in an orphanage. What?! What a huge God we serve! When I told Jeff that, it sounded great and I really did want to do it, but I really didn't think it would be possible. So many pieces would have to come together for that to happen which made it really seem impossible. But God is bigger and had better plans than the ones I was planning.
Some of the MCH kids playing in the yard.
Even today while I lay in bed trying to rest and recover from malaria, the kids seem to be playing exceptionally loud. They are all busy playing hide and seek. I just can't help but smile through the ear piercing screams and the many giggles that are happening in our home right now.
Abigael (left) and Aspen (holding Toothless)
Each night, I lay in bed in awe. In the last 14 months God has really shown me some things I needed to be shown. See, Jeff has also had a dream for years to open an orphanage, only his was in Africa. Before April of 2016, I really didn't want to come to Kenya. I really thought refusing to discuss a move for us at any point was the best thing. I really thought by refusing to move I was keeping Jeff level-headed. Instead, God showed me that I needed to go. I needed to go much sooner than "when all the kids were grown". God showed me that I was holding Jeff back, not keeping him level headed. God is still moving and working in His people. If you will be patient and listen you can learn so much and be more and more like Him.