We are so BLESSED!! Our documentary is so close to done!
From Stephanie Bys
Yesterday at church a young man was sharing and celebrating the work God has done in his life recently. Lucas attributes that work to Jeff and I being here. Maybe God called us here for work such as that, but it truly is all God. At one point he told Jeff that the Lord will bless us, that He will really bless us for the work we are doing here. Then it hit me...they don't even realize that they are the blessing!
Renting a church use tent now that we have started construction on the remainder of the home! Neema Community Church is open air and full of light now!
Lucas is right in saying that God will bless us. He has and He does daily. Getting to walk alongside Lucas and see real life change is a blessing to us. Watching some of our staff go from surviving to thriving is such a blessing to us. Watching Dan get off of the streets and glue, then work his way to 4th in his class is a blessing to us. Seeing Zeke, Minnie, Joy and Gracious go from malnourished to chunky little babies is a blessing. Seeing Barasa walk away from alcohol, being serious about his job, showing up and participating in church weekly and loving on his sweet baby Paul is such a blessing. Seeing Jamila able to pay school fees for her children is a blessing to us. Seeing Nickson love on our children and really care for them is such a blessing to us. I could go on and on with blessings, the point is the people we live life with on a daily basis are a huge blessing to us.
God has blessed us like crazy. He brought us all the way to Kenya and blesses us daily by allowing us to live here and walk alongside these people, many who are just like family to us now.
So instead of Lucas thanking us, we should be thanking him! 💜
#mercychildrenshome #aboutfacemissions #kenya #changingourstory #james127 #nonprofit #blessings
JAMBO from Kenya! While we wait anxiously for our full documentary to be fully ready to reveal…..
We're excited to share now our official trailer for AFM Mercy Home Ministry documentary!!!
Take short glimpse of our soon to release full movie documentary of our Mercy Children's Home ministry in Bungoma Kenya ...featuring our Jeff Bys and Stephanie Bys
family missionary team and local Kenyans.
To learn more about our ministry visit Aboutfacemissions.com and select Mercy Home from our Ministries menu after hitting Enter to visit the site!