Poverty is horrific to little ones in Kenya

( transferred from Jeff Bys's facebook post today)

Today we found what we consider to be an extreme case. 6 kids, the 2 youngest were left at home by themselves and when the other kids returned home, we discovered that none of them had eaten today. The mother is in the hospital and had her second breast cancer related surgery Saturday. The father is elderly and has medical issues of his own and has no job. All the kids have jiggers, ringworm, and what looks like scabies. We took them to Mercy Home for a shower and to eat supper, and we are about to take them to the hospital for treatment. These kids live within walking distance of Mercy Home, and there is no way we can just leave them in this condition.

We have room for them and are willing to take them in as the parents are in no shape health-wise to care for them, but we currently don't have the funding to do so. If we have 6 new donors commit to a one-time $100 donation, and then about $35/month after that, that would cover the intake costs of new beds and such and then food thereafter.

If you would like to donate so we can be in a position to give these kids the care they need, please follow the link below. Even if you're not in a position to help financially, everyone can pray and share. God bless!   Please visit our Mercy Home Giving STORE page for ways you can give online to us in helping us meet this need!   Here is the link!  https://afmministry.mypaysimple.com/s/mch-giving-store