Blown away by God's goodness
Posted from facebook for Stephanie
Up late, deep in thoughts and completely blown away by God's goodness. Monday, was an overwhelming day, if you saw the pictures of John's feet you know why.
fused toes, one fallen off and maggot infested.
I've not seen anything that bad...ever. But for a moment I was so torn...I knew we didn't have the money to cover what needed to be done, but I also knew we had to get him help. Being in the field and in the moment is so hard sometimes. Juggling what we are faced with and our budget is even harder. We've recently been in talks with the President of AFM about our budget and our many ministry needs and I was just sure he was going to be upset about this risk that we took. I also know him pretty well and knew he would understand at some level, but I won't lie, the anxiety was very real when posting John's need.
But God! God provided peace and more money than the estimated bill in just hours about $633 in all! Now, assuming his bill is around $400 we will be able to do some repairs on his roof (many of his iron sheets need to be re-nailed down) and get him all set up to continue treatment at home. John told us today that he was born in 1926, but he doesn't look 92 to me. His wife has passed away and so has his only son. However old he is or however long he has left to live life on this Earth I hope it is better than the previous 12 years that he has been battling podoconiosis (Mossy Foot).
Thank you, those words always seems so simple and never enough, but that is all I have. Thank you for all of your prayers, shares and donations! It fills my heart with joy to see y'all jump in and help John! You are making a difference in lives here, you are changing stories. Not only are you helping John, but others are watching and learning. Others are seeing that God provides, others are blown away when we share the stories of how much money God has provided in just hours. It is such a blessing to get to do this work and share in this JOurneY.
#mercychildrenshome #thankyou #aboutfacemissions #kenya #nonprofit#podoconiosis #mossyfoot #changingtheirstory #Godprovides
Sweet sleeping babies! 😍😍😍
#aboutfacemissions #changingtheirstory #james127 #mercychildrenhome#orphans #john1418 #kenya
Sometimes you just gotta admire what God is doing, by looking at these beauties!
Gracious and Joy 😍😍
Ezekiel Valor 😍