Celebrating Birthdays at Mercy Home - This Week: Zeke & Marion

As you can imagine with a family the size of our Mercy Home family, rarely a week goes by that we don’t celebrate at least one birthday. Since it is hard for those of you following along from afar to get to know each of the beautiful kiddos of our family the way we do, we thought some of you might be interested if we were to do a brief “spotlight” each week on our children celebrating birthdays.

This week we have 2 birthdays to celebrate!


July 29th, 2017
Zeke has just turned 2! He is growing so fast!! He is a happy, healthy boy full of curiosity and fun! A few weeks ago, he was a boy of very few words, but now, he talks ALL. THE. TIME. He has begun copying everything we say in both English and Swahili, keeping us laughing and impressed by all he is learning.


August 1st, 2005
Marion is now fourteen years-old. She is growing to be a happy, smart, and pretty young lady. She is usually quiet, but she does have a silly side that shows sometimes. She is a fun person to be around.

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