Village Feeding Program Update
We try and track how many get food each week, not so we can brag and say look at us, we know all we are entrusted with comes from Him. But we like to show you what you are supporting, what you are helping make happen and that lives are being touched. We want to always be able to be accountable to our donors and God.
Corn is being grown all over our village right now!
Family compounds are normal in the village. Several families live close together, but in their own home.
When we stop to reload the motorbike with bags off food we usually attract the children who are close by.
This week food was passed out to NINE HUNDRED FIFTEEN families!
When we started this small feeding program we were trying to reach 70 families and 225 children. This week 915 families got food and Gospel tracts (in Swahili)! This week we had 4 areas delivering food. A donor made a donation specifically for a few pastors that Jeff works with so we sent them food and 500 Gospel tracts on Saturday and they passed all of that out on Sunday and Monday to 422 families in 2 different areas. Saturday through Monday we were able to distribute food to 493 families in our village and a village nearby. We had a bit of chaos in one area, but today we realized about 60 families had been left off of our list. We now have a new list and will make sure they get a bag this coming Sunday. Hopefully the chaos will be non-existent from here on out. Many, many people are so appreciative to get food and many others are seeking food. It is such a difficult time for our rural area.
All packed up and ready to be passed out.
Happy to receive!
The needs right now are enormous, or at least I feel like they are. Constant medical needs, food needs, widows who are struggling, homes damaged by all the rain we've been getting, it is a lot. It is hard when you have so many seeking help at the same time. We currently have 3 people in the hospital. 2 toddlers (malnutrition) and an adult (severe burns). All of them are improving some, but the toddlers are the most critical. Tuesday we plan on visiting a couple homes of families who have asked for medical help for their children.
All of the heavy rains are damaging her home.
You can see the light coming into the home through the walls.
Please pray with us about a way to help others long term. Before we started the village feeding program we already had 9 weekly food boxes being delivered to families and widows who have been identified as at-risk. While these box's are great for a time, we would like to be able to take things a step further and help others not be dependent on that food box or on us to purchase needed medications. Of course time and resources are always an obstacle, but a bigger issue is how and what? How can we help them so they can provide their own food? What can they do that would allow them to purchase the needed medications? This topic is coming up more and more when needs are brought to us.
Gathering sticks to use for firewood and carrying them back home.
Thank you for continued support and prayers. I'm amazed at what God has done and continues to do here. We hope to continue to the feeding program for a few more weeks, if you would like to help with this need click the button here to make a donation.
Or you can give on our primary giving page at and simply memo “feeding”
Oops, I had to help push a motorbike out of the mud, pink glittery toes and all!