Septic Saga
(**update 2-23-2021 evening. Thank you for giving! $2840 has come in to meet this need! )
Our septic saga continues as I mentioned in a recent video update (via Facebook) and prayer request post. Several months ago we had a system installed that was supposed to take care of all of our septic needs as we had outgrown our cement septic tank. Shortly after it was installed it needed some maintenance, then it needed maintenance again and then we were being talked to about digging here and there and how the new system wasn't big enough, costing more and more money. All of this was after we were assured multiple times that it was big enough for our home and of course there is no refund available. 😭 Quickly we realized that the people we were working with were not experienced enough to deal with what we needed. So we switched back to our old system of everything going into a a large cement tank that has to be emptied by a truck (frequently), but that isn't really a viable solution for us any longer.
Because our septic need is such a big deal (and costly) we decided to get 2 estimates from different companies. Best we can tell one of these companies really knows how to build a maintenance free biodigester (septic system) and they can build one that is big enough for our needs here at Mercy Home. The down side of all of this is the cost. Unfortunately this is a true need and not something we can just cut corners on. The estimate from this company is $5,500 to $7,200. Obviously that is a bit of a wide range, but they will not know if the plumbing that we have has been done right until they start digging. As far as we know that part is okay (it is working now) and so the actual total should be closer to $5,500, but definitely could go over. The other downside to this is we have to do something quickly. Currently we have trenches in the yard where gray water is running off (which is a huge health department "no, no" plus it is gross) and the septic tank where sewage is going has had 2 walls collapse. To make matters even more urgent rainy season is coming which means this tank will now fill up faster because with 2 walls down/partially down it is compromised and ground water can get it. This tank also fills up quickly with just our usage and costs about $400 to empty every 2 to 3 weeks 😮. **This septic tank is and has been fenced off for a long time so our children cannot access it and are not in danger should all walls give way and the lid break no worries there.**
This is where all of the dish washing water runs off. The new system will include a grease trap and do away with the smell and ugliness of these trenches.
So unfortunately for the 3rd time (original tank, newer septic that is too small, and now the new, big, final one) we need to raise some funds for our septic/sewage issues. This company will give us a 7 year warranty and they have done several other big projects like this one. If you are able to help us take care of this need we would be so grateful. You can go here to our website to make a donation. Please mark it for septic and as always feel free to ask any questions you have and please keep us in your prayers! As of now we have had about $800 come in towards this need and we hope to begin work this week. 💜
This is an example of what we will get. This is a maintenance free system for a large home like ours.