Ministry Report November 2023

A Great Month of Ministry in November
November has been an extraordinary month of ministry at Mercy Ministries-AFM Africa. By God's grace, it has been a really productive month even in spite of some challenges. We are especially reminded of God's faithfulness to this ministry on this seventh anniversary of the Bys family move to Kenya. Soli Deo Gloria!

At DFW airport, about to leave for Kenya! November 30, 2016

Visit to the U.S.

The first part of November, Stephanie, Joy, Violet, and I were still in the U.S. visiting ministry supporters, potential supporters who wanted to hear what God was doing in and through our mission, and family. This included FBC Newark (Newark, TX) who have supported us since the beginning, and Dayspring Baptist Church in Royal, Arkansas (whose pastor contacted us after reading the article on page 42 found in this free journal about missions). It is so cool to see how God continues to connect us with various folks from various places with hearts to make Christ known in the world! We also got to spend some time with family members, including our 2 granddaughters!

We got to go to church with our daughter in-law, Savanna, and our granddaughters Ava and Rylee!

5th Annual Theology Matters Conference

We flew home to Kenya Nov. 14 and had a team of 18 people from two churches come to help with our annual Theology Matters Conference, among other things. It is always encouraging when people want to come visit, and the team was great, in spite of dealing with a stomach bug. The conference, which was our 5th year doing it, was the best one yet. With the help of the visiting team, we were able to have a youth conference at the same time as the adult conference for the first time. It was a lot of work, but a blessing to so many. Thanks to a donation from HeartCry Missionary Society, we were able to provide some solid books to the attendees. The theme of the conference this year was Ecclesiology Matters - Embracing God’s Design for the Church. We had a combined total of 1,043 souls attend the youth and adult conferences!

The adult conference attendees

Youth Conference

Enjoying Thanksgiving Dinner with our visitors!

Thank you for your prayers and/or support of our mission in western Kenya. By God’s grace, many in our village are being fed spiritually as well as physically!

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