Year-End Fundraising

year-end fundraising goals

December 1st will mark 8 years that the Bys family have been in Kenya! God has been so gracious to us during that time. We have experienced great joy, heartache, disappointment, and just about any other emotion imaginable. We thank God, knowing that all of it is for our good and His glory.

As we look forward to another year at the Mercy Ministries mission in western Kenya, we have some goals that we are asking God to provide for through His people:

Washing Machines ($5,000)

Living with 120+ kids means LOTS of laundry, every day. Most of our washing machines are out of order and beyond repair, so we are having to do most our laundry by hand.

Farm Expansion ($5,000)

Our goal for the coming year is to start raising a lot of our own meat. This money will help us build structures for rabbits, ducks, and pigs, as well as for a milk cow or two.

Computer & Projector for every classroom ($6,000)

We have a total of 14 classrooms at Mercy Christian academy from Pre-K to 12th grade. We would love to purchase a refurbished Chromebook and projector for each room so that our teachers can utilize them for teaching as well as learning. This will open a whole world of learning to our students as currently they do not have internet access.

Land ($10,000)

We would like to buy an acre of land that is next to our property that we will be able to use in the future for staff housing. Housing will help us in recruiting quality teachers and other staff that come from other parts of Kenya. Until we build housing, we will be able to utilize the land for Napier grass to feed a cow(s) that, Lord willing, we will be adding soon.

Church pavilion “spruce-up” ($15,000)

When we built this pavilion about 5 years ago, we really had no idea just how much it would be used. But nowadays, between the home, school, and church, it gets used a ton! Church services alone have been running between 500 and 800 people every Sunday! That being said, it has a lot of wear and tear so we need to repair the concrete floor, replace the wood posts with metal, and we would like to do some things to make it look nicer as well.

Lab equipment and teachers’ office for the high school ($20,000)

This money will enable us to add lab workstations and equipment for our high school. We will also be able to add an office for the teachers to use to prepare lessons, make copies, etc.

Year-End total fundraising goal: $61,000

* If you would like your support to go to a specific item, please note that in the comments on the donation page

We are thankful for all who pray for this ministry or support us financially. You are making a difference in the lives of many.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Jeff Bys

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