We got a NEW baby...and two more are waiting!


(Posted on behalf of Stephanie Bys) Yesterday I posted a picture of a tiny baby hand because we got a new baby! I didn't explain anything because we had, had a very long and unexpected day. We got a call yesterday morning that there was a baby who's Mama died and the father didn't/couldn't care for her. So we headed to the hospital in a near by town to see her. Once at the hospital we learned that the "aunt" who was visiting and caring for the baby was actually her Mama. Mama is just barely 16 and has no support and has been forced to drop out of school due to no money and having this new precious baby. But she chose life for this beautiful blessing and we will help her to the best of our ability. So yesterday we grew by 2, not just one. "Minnie" as I call her is so tiny, newborn clothes are big on her and she weighs just 3kgs at almost 2 months old. She's had a rough start, but things are looking up for her now that she and her Mama have a support system.

While we were at the hospital the social worker there took us to meet a set of twin girls that are being treated there. These babies are VERY malnourished and delayed because of that. They are 1 year and 2 months and weigh just 5.6kgs and 6kgs. They can't roll over, can't sit up, can't crawl, can't walk and can't talk. 💔 Their Mama has basically abandoned them, she is also young, without support and very poor. Both tiny girls just layed there and blankly looked at me. This is unusual because kids that age either get excited to see a "muzungu" or they cry because they are scared of "muzungu". These babies did neither. We were asked to take them when they are released because their Mama just can't care for them and their current health can confirm that. Kenya doesn't have any type of assistance like America has so a single Mama is likely to struggle very hard. Just to give you an idea a typical wage in Kenya is $50 a month. 1 can of formula in Kenya is $10, we purchase 4 to 5 cans a week for Zeke (mist Mamas breastfeed, but some struggle due to lack of food and water for themselves). Diapers are $10 for a small pack so right now the babies just lay there and potty on the sheets and blankets (yes they have cloth diapers here, but they don't have any to wear). The hospital doesn't even have diapers to give them because that is an expense they can't afford.


While I know we can love, feed and therapy them back to health we are currently over budget. Our cost of operations is exceeding what donations are coming in. On top of that all of these medical and dental issues are really hurting us (Wesley's bill alone was $2,500). Yesterday we had about $130 in medical cost. We still have more dental work that needs to be done (probably another $150 for 3 kids), which is cheap compared to American prices, but we live on a Kenyan budget. If we could cut cost we would, but food, our staff and medical care are important for the care of our children. If Jeff and I were getting a salary we would gladly give it up to be able to love and care for more children. If we could generate income here right now we would (that is something we are looking into). The reality is that we need to grow our donor base and have more donations coming in on a regular basis to keep taking in children. So please pray for us and our ministry. Pray for clarity, pray for peace, pray for funding, pray for lives to be changed, pray for hearts to be turned to Him, pray for Anna and "Minnie", pray for the twin girls and pray for good health for us all. We've had a rough couple of weeks health wise, but we are coming out the other side of that now! 😁💜

Thank you for all of your love, prayers and support! 💜💜💜

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