I have so much to say, but few words are coming to me because I'm overwhelmed at God's goodness. First, last night Karson and I had to go to the Dr. On the cold ride home I received a message asking if we had yet rebuilt the home of a widow we have been helping some. After communicating back and forth some, the money was donated for her home to be built! Praise the Lord! In some ways I was feeling bad that I hadn't been more "vocal" about her need, but our area is full of needs, especially our ever growing home and I never know how many times I should post a need. So for this need to be met was a weight of my shoulders and it will be a huge blessing to this woman who does not have much help (She never had children.)
This morning I was woken up by Jeff telling me someone had donated enough money to complete the purchase of the front part of our land and we now have enough money to complete the boys dorm. My first reaction was "Are you sure that number wasn't a typo? Maybe they just hit too many zeros!" Honestly, I didn’t believe that someone would just give that kind of money. Turns out is wasn't a typo at all, but an intentional gift at an insane amount. So I have some trust issues...not that I don't trust God, just not sure why He trusts me with something so huge. I was really in disbelief.
So burdens have been lifted...a widow is getting a new home, Mercy Home will soon have 2 completed dorms and bathrooms and our property size is fixing to double! 6 months ago I couldn't imagine being back in Kaya, today I am so thankful we are here.
Thank you for changing lives here! So many lives are affected by your giving, praying and sharing our story. And not just the children we are raising. Our village has been impacted also. We employ 16 people on a regular basis, many more than that when we are in construction mode. Jeff, myself and our 7 biological children here are also forever changed and, God willing, in January we will open a FREE school for those who need it most. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27