Our Sweet Minnie


Goodness my life here in Kenya is so blessed! Our sweet Minnie is gaining weight so well and she has quite the sweet personality. She is all about smiling and she is starting to laugh. She is loved by everyone.

In case you have missed it we are raising funds for a 7 acre fully developed property that would house, educate (school) and provide medical care for us! We have 2 awesome Momma's hosting fundraisers for us right now through home based business. One party is for Norwex, chemical free cleaning products and the other is through Trades of Hope, they have all kinds of pretty things. Both sweet ladies will be donating their profits to help us buy this property. If you need help finding those groups (they are posted on my page) let me know and I can add you! Thank you for all of your prayers and support! Big things are happening here and Kenya because that how God works! We will continue to lean on Him and follow His will for Mercy Children's Home. #aboutfacemissions #mercychildrenshome #nonprofit #james127 #orphans#bungoma #kenya #streetboysnomore #thankyou #prayersplease