2 opportunities to help us!

posted on behalf of Stephanie Bys from Facebook.

Opportunity #1

Christmas is just 6 months away and will be here before you know it, so it isn't too early to start shopping now. We've had a couple people offer to have online parties like this to help us raise money for the new property God is calling us to. Every little bit helps. Allison Bailey has launched an AFM benefit Norwex sale opportunity! If you are interested in cleaning products without all the toxic chemicals add yourself to this group. These Norwex products will help you improve your life and profits will go to us to improve ours! I hear they even have a make-up removing cloth!
Thanks for your support and please share with your friends.

If you don't use Facebook and want to go straight to the shopping page that generates 25% to AFM then click this button! 

Click this image to be taken to the Norwex About-Face Missions private party group.

Click this image to be taken to the Norwex About-Face Missions private party group.

Opportunity #2

Here's another way you can help support Mercy Home! Amanda Berger with Trades of Hope will be donating 100% of her profit to MCH for our land purchase. Purchasing from Trades of Hope helps women out of poverty and our mission in Kenya to grow. Please join this group and let me or Amanda know if you have any questions. Feel free to share this group with your friends and family.

 #mercychildrenshome #aboutfacemissions #nonprofit #james127#orphans #kenya

Click image to visit AFM Trades of Hope benefit shopping group!

Click image to visit AFM Trades of Hope benefit shopping group!

Click button below to go directly to benefit shopping page! 

Please we ask you to visit both of these sites and give their products a try and enjoy blessings of living well and helping About-Face Missions support more needy families and neglected children in western Kenya, one of the poorest places on earth! Every sale here or dollar given matters!