A blessing given is a blessing lived by all!
posted on behalf of Jeff from Facebook
These are pictures from a recent visit we made to members of the church we planted at Mercy Home. The family is living in extreme poverty (and yet tried to gift us with 2 cabbages). They have 7 children living at home and have had 5 children die. 2 of their kids have sickle cell so we were able to get them set up for the vitamins they need to prevent them from going into sickle cell crisis, which is very painful and requires being admitted to the hospital. The family is currently living in two 8x8 thatch-roofed huts with wet floors due to all the recent rain we've been getting. They have no beds or mattresses and the couch has no cushions. So all the kids sleep on the wet floors. They desperately need a new home.
Thanks be to God! Before we had a chance to post this need, Steph talked to a woman seeking to bless families here in Kenya. The generous donor sent $500 last night, enough to build this family a new house!! Praise God, these kids will not be sleeping on the wet ground any more! The family could still use beds if you would like to chip in. For $500 more we can provide beds, mattresses and blankets for the whole family in their new house if a few of you wanted to help us help this poor family.
Thank you everyone for praying, sharing, and supporting the work here. So many lives are being changed, and not just physically, but spiritually. Soli Deo gloria!
These two 8x8 huts are currently sleeping 2 adults and 7 children. It's rainy season, so it rains nearly every day. When you sit inside, you can see daylight through gaps in the thatched roofs..
What a blessing it will be to this family to have a new house!! God willing, they will have beds too!
Steph is holding little Shantel.
Shantel is about 1 year old and has a sister named Stephanie who is about 3. They are the granddaughters of the family living here. The father is not around and the mother has been gone for a long time seeking work, but has been unable to send the family any money yet. So there were actually 9 kids living here. The grandparents asked us to take Shantel and Stephanie to Mercy Home. We have taken them in while we try to help the family get stabilized. Poor Shantel just got over malaria, but we took her to the hospital today as she was still not feeling well. Turns out she also has a bacterial infection.
#MercyChildrensHome #Kenya #Bungoma #NeemaCommuniyChurch#nonprofit #SoliDeogloria #james127