OUR Fundraiser BLEW UP!
Thank you Mike Mazyck Realty of DFW, one of our business sponsors, for making this possible!
The Lord worked through many of you to meet so many of our needs in these few short years of ministry in Kenya and so many other needs are being met!
Thank you so very much!
This is a need we needed to tackle right away and so we pushed it out to you our supporters several times this weekend and you all came to the rescue! Thank you so much!!
With the onset of the COVID19 Pandemic and the first cases showing up now in Kenya, we set this new goal of $3800 minimum need to help us increase our food and supplies storehouse to a 4 week buffer before the prices and supplies grow tighter.
Today Feb 15th Kenya president commanded all schools to immediately close down and for all large gatherings to stop. They have also announced the sealing of borders from all people coming in except citizens or those with residence permits! Things are going to get much worse before this all passes, so we have a sense of urgency about us to get the supplies purchased soon or in order that we can properly prepare for what may come.
PRAY for us to get this funding in soon and the shopping done right away. Even though we are over target of our goal, it was a minimum we set up to help us get by, but more funds will certainly be a blessing to do more. We expect it’s likely we’ll have to go to daily community feedings again if prices increase as we think may happen. You may give on our normal online giving site at afm.ngo/give but please memo “ Preparedness Fundraiser” (and we will manually add it to our fundraiser) BUT we prefer that you visit our fundraiser page below so that it’s all automatically tracked and captured. It closes Tuesday.
THANK YOU for all your love and support!! We cannot do this without you!
At bottom we have some prayer points we all can pray sent to us from another brother, Delbert Tuttle, supporting ministry here in Kenya.
If image below doesn’t work copy and paste or click this link to get to fundraiser page. https://aboutface.atlas.thrinacia.com/campaign/50/preparing-for-crisis-in-kenya
Huge thanks goes out to Mike Mazyck Realty of Dallas for doubling everyone’s gifts in this time of need!
Here are some ways you can prayerfully respond to the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19):
Pray for an end to the virus’ spread. The Coronavirus did not take God by surprise; He is still governing and sustaining the world (Col. 1:17). Pray for God’s healing mercy and that He would graciously bring this pandemic to an end. Pray for healing for all those affected by the virus.
Pray for government leaders. At all times, Christians are called to pray for those in positions of authority (1 Tim. 2:2). This is especially true during a time of national emergency. Pray for the President, Vice President, governors, mayors, and all those making decisions related to public health and safety. Pray for a spirit of bipartisanship as lawmakers work together to protect people.
Pray for church leaders. Pastors around the country are making difficult decisions related to public worship and the safety of their members. Pray that pastors will have wisdom to faithfully shepherd the congregations under their care, even if they are unable to physically gather (1 Peter 5:2). Pray that Christians will love their neighbors well during this time (Mark 12:31).
Pray for the vulnerable. Authorities tell us that those immuno-compromised people are especially at risk as the virus spreads. Pray for protection for the elderly, diseased, and those facing financial hardship. Pray for students who are being required to vacate university and college housing with very little notice. Over the next few weeks, there will be many opportunities to meet tangible needs. Pray that God’s people meet these opportunities with wisdom and grace (Mat. 25:35-40).
Pray for honest reporting. Christians should pray for those in the news media. Pray that reporters and journalists would accurately report updates about the status of the virus, and not seek to peddle conspiracies, politicize the threat, or stoke fear where it is unwarranted.
Pray for a spirit of generosity. During this time, churches will face a loss of income at a time when there are many opportunities to meet physical needs. Pray that God’s people will manifest a spirit of generosity and sacrificially give of their time and resources to meet needs that will arise (2 Cor. 9:6-8).
Pray for a posture of trust. Scripture teaches us that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control (2 Tim 1:7). Pray for enduring faith during this season of heightened fear, anxiety, and confusion. Appropriate precautions should be taken, but Christians must continue to rely on God and trust His purposes and plans (Rom. 8:28).
Pray for the spread of the gospel. In this time of great anxiety, pray that God’s people would be ready to meet the world with the comfort and hope that only the good news of Jesus Christ can offer.