Jeff's Study Take 2
Since our first attempt at making Jeff's study nice was a total fail we did a "take 2". We took a long break on reworking this space because we had so many other things going on and honestly after our first fail I was wondering if my ideas and expectations were even realistic. In the village everything is hand built and so that means our walls are not straight and level from corner to corner and top to bottom. Having these variations isn't really all that noticable until you start trying to line the wall with plywood or trim. Then suddenly you can see each variation with great detail and it becomes a very frustrating process. Just ask Karson and he will tell you all about it!
Karson did a great job painting the beams and walls.
This door is really beautiful, the staining Karson did really brought out the details in the wood.
Take 1 looks okay in pictures, but in real life you could see all of the bubbling due to the uneven walls…it was terrible actually.
Once again we learned some things during this project, but over all we all love how it turned out! We were able to track down a good adhesive (similar to Liquid Nails) in Nairobi and have it shipped to us, working with cement walls isn't always easy. Karson did all the cutting and installation and Jeff and I came in and painted. I still want to add book shelves and some (inexpensive) art prints I'm hoping to purchase and print from Etsy, but we are way ahead of where we were. At least now it is a put together space where order and quietness can be found.
Take 2 and I absolutely love it!
Of course there are imperfections, but it looks nice now.
Missions is a constant learning and stretching experience...actually that's just life, but I feel like missions highlights those two areas for sure! For me personally it has looked like planning, waiting and then often times replanning. It has looked like waiting and waiting and waiting, honestly there are things that I think are needs that I'm still waiting on. It has looked like constantly adjusting my wants and desires to align with what is feasible and reasonable here. It has looked like fully (or as much as my human mind can) trusting Him to meet the true needs of the ministry here. It has looked like patience that I so often lacked in my life before.
Where all the studying happens!
Thank you for supporting the work here. Preparing weekly sermons and discipling others is not an easy job and next to impossible when you share a space with over 100 other people 24/7. "The study" as we call it, is an important part of the ministry work here and definitely helps fulfill "go and make disciples". Thank you for keeping us in your prayers, intentionally giving and sharing the work here with others. Kaya may be a tiny little village in Western Kenya that many have never heard of, but many here are hearing the Gospel because of your love. Thank you will never be enough.
And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:18-20
Jeff's ever growing library. Soon we will add more book shelves (and books) under the windows.