New Benches for our growing Church!

posted on behalf of Stephanie Bys:

Look at these benches our boy (Karson) is whipping up!

During the last several months our church has grown and now that we are all meeting under the pavilion again (no more tent) we need a bit more room and seating. I'm hoping these benches for the kids will free up some chairs and space. A growing church is definitely a good "problem" to have! Karson was able to get 10 of the 24 done today! These benches will come in handy for chapel at school as well, our school has grown so much that we are using almost all of our chairs each day. When we bought the chairs in 2019 we bought extras or so we thought.

For the last several days we've been waiting on the iron sheets for the food storage room, they were delayed getting here by a week, so we went ahead and had the work crew plaster the front part of Mercy Home! We've been saying "one day" for so long I didn't think we would actually get this done! Of course we still have 3 others side which won't happen for a while, but we have the front part done. It looks so different and nice! Don't mind our ratty bushes, the soccer ball got them, but soon the soccer ball will only be used outside the home yard so we can have plants around the home and dining hall.

Believe it or not we've had issues with our new septic tank, but we *think* all of that was resolved today which means as soon as the food storage room is done (within a week) we can start the dining hall! I am so ready to have tables to eat at! It is going to be so cute seeing our family all in the same space for meals!

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers! We are doing well, we've had a few kids sick, but all minor and quickly treated. Running a school is A LOT of work, but we had a great teacher's meeting today where we discussed how trauma keeps children from learning and we (MCA) have to be a safe (emotionally and physically) place for our kids. This will continue to be an area we focus on and grow in. Honestly we have a long way to go to be the school that we feel like God wants us to be, but with His help and guidance we will get there. Mercy Christian Academy will be much more than just another school and I don't mean that in an arrogant way, we want it to be more than just an educational institution. Thank you again and again for being involved here, your prayers and gifts are helping change lives in our small village in Kenya.

See how far we have come! Watch our 2018 documentary