Happy Lord's Day!

Since we are several hours ahead of most of you church is already done for the day here in Kenya! Since we started our new Sunday school program for children and adults our church has grown and grown some more. Praise the Lord! We have found that we do not have enough room and need to extend our pavilion where the church meets. This pavilion is also used for Mercy Christian Academy, but our main concern right now is to be able to support our growing church so anyone who wants to come can. If we do not add on we fear we will have to turn people away in the coming weeks.


This past week we were able to talk with our builder and we decided to add 25ft to the length of the pavilion which would make it 75ft long. The estimate to do this is around $5,000. Can you help us make room for others to hear the Gospel? Today we had over 250 children and lots of adults. It is encouraging to see so many men attending church, often times the men don't attend or they attend a different church than their family. Today we had 20+ men in attendance. God has and continues to be so good to us here in Kenya!


If you are able to help us with these costs it would be a blessing to many for years to come. You can click here to go to our donation page.

Stephanie BysComment