How Long?
How Long?
Semi-frequently we get the question, "How long will you be in Kenya?". If you haven't been following us from the beginning you probably don't know the whole story of moving to Kenya and that's another book for another day 😉. But how long do we really plan on being here? The short answer is for the rest of our lives.
This picture shows so much change to me. These girls were completely shutdown when they came to us and now they are so full of life and smiles! 💜💜💜
Before moving to Kenya we sensed that this was a forever move for us. Since being in Kenya and seeing the needs, it has confirmed that this has to be a forever move (as long as God allows). Jeff and I feel like God is calling us to help create real change, more than just passing out food during times of need, more than helping our village here and there. Real change takes education...if you just preach the Gospel and then leave that isn't enough. People need to be taught what the Gospel means, they need to understand the why's and how's of the Bible, and how to grow. All of that takes time, a lot of time and intentionality. Teaching our village the ways of permaculture so that food is no longer a privilege is going to take time, we can't just say "do permaculture", we will have do permaculture alongside them, be available for questions and trouble shooting. We can't just say "children are a blessing from the Lord", we have to show them what it looks like to value and love children in the way the Bible calls us to. Words just aren't enough, sometimes you have to take the time to show and help others understand. All of these things take time and lots of work.
Fred, one of our groundskeepers getting seeds with Wilbur.
We didn't move here to create dependency, to be some sort of cheap savior, or to up and leave once we've "done enough". Our heart, calling, and desire is to create real change through the Gospel, education, and love. We believe that this is what God has for us to do. So as you see us starting another project, asking for more money, building more school buildings, starting a high school, and things that seem crazy and too much, try and remember that we are (trying our best to) clinging to God and His plan. We know that no matter how crazy His plan looks, or how hard it is, it is better than ours. We are definitely no Noah, but people thought he was crazy building that huge boat. Sometimes I feel like adding one more thing to our overflowing plate would be crazy, but here we are several "things" later and God is still providing in all the ways necessary.
Josh Eaton is teaching a Bible class on one if his trips to Kenya.
This photo is from a free yearly Bible conference we were able to do due to the love and generosity of many.
Again and again His plan is better than ours. I'm so thankful he has continued to open our eyes to the needs around us and the way He would have them met. Thank you for being a part of what He is doing here. 💜