We have an amazing opportunity to meet lots of needs at Mercy Christian Academy before our new school year starts in January. We have a supporter who wants to match up to $5,000!
Running a school that is completely free to the students comes with many, many challenges; finances being at the top of the list. September through November our finances were very tight, and really they are still a concern. Inflation hit Kenya hard in the beginning of 2022 and has not let up. This has caused us to make some cutbacks, but even that hasn't really been enough, we have been struggling to meet needs we have here in Kenya.
God has continued to make ends meet for us here and we are so grateful. Another way we believe He is providing is through this match of up to $5,000! This is such a blessing to us.
Jeff and I talked and felt it would be best to have this match focus on the school to knock out several needs we have for the upcoming 2023 school year. Before the end of January we need to purchase new curriculum for 5th, 7th, and 11th grade, replace all of the workbooks for 1st through 4th grade, and add some text books for various grades. We also need to purchase a lot of notebooks, chalk, pencils, crayons, color pencils, and some lab equipment for the high school campus.
If we are able to meet this match it would help lift many burdens for Mercy Christian Academy and help us start our 2023 school year a bit ahead. It would also allow us to bulk buy these things which will save us a bit of money and time by keeping us from having to go to town often seeking out these supplies.
Will you please pray about helping us meet these school needs and share this opportunity with others? Having 230+ students to care for is a blessing and a huge responsibility and we need lots of help from people willing to stand in the gap for our students who come from very difficult, poverty riddled homes. Any amount helps! And thanks to the matching offer, any amount is doubled!