Learning, Genuine People, and Difficult Goodbyes
Stephanie BysComment
More Aware
Stephanie BysComment
Back to My Roots
Jeff BysComment
Special Projects and Where to Find Them
Jeff BysComment
We Are Ready To Plant a Food Forest
Jeff BysComment
Part of Our “WHY?”
Stephanie BysComment
Food Help Needed for MCA Students
Stephanie BysComment
Staff Feature - Emmanuel
Jeff BysComment
Happy Lord's Day!
Stephanie BysComment
Imagine if you can make a difference...

Imagine being a stranger in your own home. Growing up in a home where you aren't supposed to touch anything because it isn't yours and your parents owning a small shop that you can't be at because nothing is yours and your stepfather only sees you as a burden.

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David SheltonComment
Shhhh…It's a Surprise!
Stephanie BysComment
Morning Chapel Service - Mercy Christian Academy
Jeff BysComment
Septic Saga
Stephanie BysComment
Prayer request!

Please pray for us. We have a cold/flu going through our home. Karson and Jeff seem to have been hit the worst, but..

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David SheltonComment
Storage room updates!

Anyone who has ever had to do without a pantry or had a pantry that is too small for their family can definitely understand my joy over this!

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a couple needs for our Children's Home and School

We need to replace our tire swing swivels. We would like to add a large deep freezer to our food storage room

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Mercy Christian Academy
Stephanie BysComment
Harder Than You'll Ever Know
Stephanie BysComment